Denton Bible Church,
Denton, TX.

Featuring some of the top Christian thinkers and speakers in the country: J.P. Moreland, William Lane Craig, J. Warner Wallace, Gary Habermas, Craig Hazen, Greg Koukl, and many more.

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Sessions and Tracks

The conference will feature notable and gifted thinkers on a variety of topics. Attendees will be treated to all plenary sessions and then have the option to pursue a different topic during breakout sessions each day of the conference.

Wired for Belief

In recent years a growing contingent of psychologists and biologists have argued that the human mind is "wired for belief" in God.  However, many of these scientists have also argued that this shows us that our belief in God is an illusion.  What is the evidence that we are "wired for belief" and why do so many think this undercuts the legitimacy of Christian faith?  

Presenting at this session: