Denton Bible Church,
Denton, TX.

Featuring some of the top Christian thinkers and speakers in the country: J.P. Moreland, William Lane Craig, J. Warner Wallace, Gary Habermas, Craig Hazen, Greg Koukl, and many more.

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Sessions and Tracks

The conference will feature notable and gifted thinkers on a variety of topics. Attendees will be treated to all plenary sessions and then have the option to pursue a different topic during breakout sessions each day of the conference.

Christianity and the Challenge of World Religions

In this fast-paced and humorous presentation, Professor Hazen addresses the question of "how does Christianity stack up against the other great world religions?" Based on his book "Five Sacred Crossings," Hazen delivers five unique features of Christianity that set it dramatically apart from the other major religious traditions.

Presenting at this session: